Jagdterrier Breed Magazine - Showsight


EYES : Dark, small, oval, deep ; the eyelids are tight. Resolute expression.

EARS : Set high, not explicitly small, V-shaped; slightly touching semi-drop ears.

NECK : Strong, not too long, well put on and blending strongly into the shoulders.

BODY : Topline: Straight. Withers: Well defined. Back: Strong, straight, not too short. Loin: Well muscled. Croup: Well muscled and flat. Chest: Deep, ribs well sprung, not too broad, long breastbone with ribs well reaching backwards. Underline: Elegantly curved backwards; short and firm flanks, belly slightly drawn up. TAIL : Well set to the long croup (docked for circa 1/3). Is rather carried slightly raised than steeply erected but should never incline over the back. (In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, it can be left in its natural state. It should be carried horizontally or slightly sabre-formed.)


FOREQUARTERS: General appearance: Seen from the front the forelegs are straight and parallel, viewed from the side they are placed well under the body. The distance from the surface to the elbows is approximately equal to the distance from the elbows to the withers. Shoulder: The shoulder-blade lies well oblique and backwards; it is long and strongly muscled. There is good angulation between shoulder-blade and upper arm. Upper arm: As long as possible, well and dry muscled.

FCI-St. N° 103 / 26.05.2015

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