Showsight November 2020


BODY The back should be moderate in length, set in a straight line, strong, and should slope slightly from the withers. The chest should be well developed and deep with shoulders well laid back. Ribs well sprung and long. Abdomen firmly held; moderately tucked-up flank. The brisket should extend to the elbow. COAT AND COLOR Short, smooth and sleek, solid color, in shades of mouse- gray to silver-gray, usually blending to lighter shades on the head and ears. A small white marking on the chest is permit- ted, but should be penalized on any other portion of the body. White spots resulting from injury should not be penalized. A distinctly long coat is a disqualification. A distinctly blue or black coat is a disqualification. Allowable white on the chest may be in the form of a spot or blaze, giving the appearance of being small and should not domi- nate the chest. Color should not give the appearance of being brown, liver or black. Coat color resembles a grayish–taupe and varies from very light shades to deep rich shades; all have the dis- tinctive grayish–taupe tone, never a true brown or blue color. Lighter shading on the head and ears is referred to as the “Grafmar Cap,” and is more prominent with age. A distinctly long coat or a distinctly blue or black coat is a disqualification. Weimaraners are avid sun bathers; their dilute coat color is easily sun bleached giving it a more brownish cast. In addition, a breed trait while shedding is a “bulleted/spotted” or mottled pat- tern, which will disappear with the new coat. The Weimaraner coat color is a dilute; therefore, it is geneti- cally impossible for a correctly–colored, gray Weimaraner to have a black–mottled mouth; it may have a gray mottled mouth. FORELEGS Straight and strong, with the measurement from the elbow to the ground approximately equaling the distance from the elbow to the top of the withers. HINDQUARTERS Well-angulated stifles and straight hocks. Musculation well developed. FEET Firm and compact, webbed, toes well arched, pads closed and thick, nails short and gray or amber in color. Dewclaws— Should be removed. TAIL Docked. At maturity it should measure approximately 6 inches with a tendency to be light rather than heavy and should be carried in a manner expressing confidence and sound tem- perament. A non-docked tail shall be penalized. Our standard is vague with regard to correct tail set, citing only that a low tail set is a major fault. The set–on of the tail correlates with the contour of the croup and pelvic angle. A low tail set indi- cates a steep pelvis which will result in restricted rear extension. A flat croup will result in the most rear extension but may cause excessive rear kick and wasted motion. A slightly angled croup will result in less extension but increased agility and endurance. Please do not confuse “tail set,” (an expression of structure) with “tail carriage” (an expression of temperament). Faults of docking are entirely man-made, thus incorrect length is only a minor fault. The subtle differences illustrated here demonstrate the range of acceptable tail sets which reflect the range of pelvic angles. A pelvic angle of 40 degrees or more would result in a steep croup and low tail set which is a major fault.


Long Hair


Height at the withers: dogs, 25 to 27 inches; bitches, 23 to 25 inches.


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