Showsight November 2020


Pelvic angle: 10 degrees

Pelvic angle: 20 degrees

Pelvic angle: 30 degrees

The subtle differences illustrated here demonstrate the range of acceptable tail sets which reflect the range of pelvic angles. A pelvic angle of 40 degrees or more would result in a steep croup and low tail set which is a major fault.

The gait should be effortless and should indicate smooth coordination. When viewed from the side, the topline should remain strong and level.

TEMPERAMENT The temperament should be friendly, fearless, alert and obedient. MINOR FAULTS Tail too short or too long. Pink nose. MAJOR FAULTS Doggy bitches. Bitchy dogs. Improper muscular condition. Badly affect- ed teeth. More than four teeth missing. Back too long or too short. Faulty coat. Neck too short, thick or throaty. Low-set tail. Elbows in or out. Feet east and west. Poor gait. Poor feet. Cowhocks. Faulty backs, either roached or sway. Badly overshot, or undershot bite. Snipy muzzle. Short ears. VERY SERIOUS FAULTS White, other than a spot on the chest. Eyes other than gray, blue-gray or light amber. Black mottled mouth. Non-docked tail. Dogs exhibiting strong fear, shyness or extreme nervousness. DISQUALIFICATIONS Deviation in height of more than one inch from standard either way. A distinctly long coat. A distinctly blue or black coat. The entire Illustrated Standard as well as the Breed Standard Presenta- tion can be found on our website under Resources and Judges Education.

GAIT The gait should be effortless and should indi- cate smooth coordination. When seen from the rear, the hind feet should be parallel to the front feet. When viewed from the side, the topline should remain strong and level. To ensure that the Weimaraner can endure a day in the field, his gait must be smooth, coordinated and effortless. If his front angulation shaped by well laid back shoulders is correct and the rear angula- tion with well bent stifles is equal to the front, there should be no wasted motion. If front and rear angu- lation is not in balance, one end compensates for the other, resulting in inefficient movement. A Weimaraner should easily cover ground with good reach in front and good drive in the rear. Restricted movement in any form is incorrect. When viewed on the down and back, the Weimaraner’s legs converge toward a center line beneath his body in order to achieve balance; the greater the speed, the closer the legs come to tracking on a straight line.


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