Czechoslovakian Vlcak Breed Magazine - Showsight


IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : - Length of body: Height at withers = 10: 9.

- Length of muzzle: Length of cranial region = 1: 1.5.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Lively, very active, capable of endurance, docile with quick reactions. Fearless and courageous. Suspicious. Shows tremendous loyalty towards his master. Resistant to weather conditions. Versatile in his uses.

HEAD : Symmetrical, well muscled. Seen from the side and from above, it forms a blunt wedge. Sex should be unmistakable.

CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Seen from the side and from the front, the forehead is slightly arched. No marked frontal furrow. Occipital bone clearly visible. Stop: Moderate. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Oval shape, black. Muzzle: Clean, not broad; straight bridge of nose. Lips: Tight fitting. No gap at corner of mouth. Rims of lips are black. Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong and symmetrical. Well developed teeth, specially the canines. Scissor or pincer bite with 42 teeth according to the usual tooth set. Regular teeth set. Cheeks: Clean, sufficiently muscled, not markedly protruding.

EYES : Small, slanting, amber coloured. Well fitting lids.

EARS : Pricked, thin, triangular, short (i.e. not longer than 1/6th of the height at withers); the lateral point of the set on of the ears and the outer corner of the eyes are in a direct line. A vertical line from tip of ear would run close along the head.

St-FCI n°332/03.09.1999

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