Bracco Italiano Breed Magazine - Showsight

Page 2 of 3 teeth square to the jaw. Bite - scissor or level. Any deviation (overbite or underbite) should be faulted in accordance to its severity. Neck, Topline, Body: Neck - Powerful, in truncated cone shape. Length of the neck is at least two-thirds but not greater than the length of the head. Well detached from the nape. The throat shows a soft double dewlap. Excessive skin with exaggerated wrinkling or single dewlap is faulted. Topline - The upper profile of the back is made up of two lines: one, almost straight, slopes from the withers to the 11th dorsal vertebrae (mid-back); the other is slightly arched, joining with the line of the croup. Body - Chest is broad, deep and well down to level of the elbows, without forming a keel. Ribs well sprung, particularly in their lower part, and sloping. Wide lumbar region. Loin is well muscled, short and slightly convex. Croup is long (about one- third of the height at the withers), wide and well-muscled; the pelvic angulation (angle formed by the pelvic girdle with a horizontal line) is 30 degrees. Underline - Lower profile almost horizontal in its rib cage part, rising slightly in its abdominal part. Tail - Thick at the base, straight, with a slight tendency to taper, hair short. When the dog is in action and especially when questing, is carried horizontally or nearly. Docked - Should be docked 6 to 10 inches from the root. Undocked - Carried horizontally; length of the undocked tail is to the hock. May be slightly curved but never held high or carried bent over the back. Forequarters: Withers are well defined, with the points of the shoulder blades well separated. Shoulder strong, well-muscled, long, sloping, and well laid back, very free in its movement. The upper arm sloping, fitting to the rib cage. Forearm strong, straight, with well-marked sinews; the point of the elbows should be on a perpendicular line from the rear point of the shoulder blade to the ground. Metacarpus (pastern) well proportioned, lean, of good length and slightly sloping. Feet strong, slightly oval shaped, well arched and closed toes with strong nails well curved towards the ground. Color of nails is white, yellow or brown, of a more or less dark shade depending on the color of the coat. Foot pads elastic and lean. Hindquarters: In balance with the forequarters. Thigh long, parallel, muscular, with the rear edge almost straight when viewed from the side. Strong limbs; hocks wide, metatarsals (rear pasterns) relatively short and lean. The feet, with all the characteristics of the front feet, have dewclaws, the absence of which is not a fault. Double dewclaws are tolerated. Coat: Skin - Ample skin, tough but elastic, well separated from the tissues underneath; fine on the head, the throat, inside the elbows, and on lower part of the body. The visible mucous membranes must be a corresponding color with the coat, but never show black spots. The mucous membranes of the mouth are pink; sometimes with light brown spotting. Coat - Short, dense and glossy, fine and shorter on the head, the ears, front part of the legs and feet. Color: The base color is white. The colors acceptable in this breed are: solid white, white with orange markings, or white with brown markings. The markings are of varied sizes (patches, ticking, or roan). A symmetrical face mask is preferred, but the absence of a mask is tolerated. The orange color can range from a dark amber to rich orange. It is not lemon or yellow. The liver. A metallic sheen is appreciated in brown and white dogs. Disqualifying colors - Tricolor, or with tan markings, fawn, hazel. Any trace of black on coat or mucous membranes. Any solid color other than white. Albinism. Gait: Extended and fast trot, with powerful reach and drive. Head raised, nose held high in such a way that, when hunting, the nose is

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